Core studies for IOR/EOR, CCS/CCU and hydrogen storage
Are you looking to unlock the full potential of fluid flow in porous media and underground storage? At fluidXlab, we offer rock-solid lab services to help you achieve these goals. We specialise in conducting comprehensive studies for improved oil recovery (IOR)/enhanced oil recovery (EOR), carbon capture and storage/utilisation (CCS/CCU) as well as hydrogen storage.
As the go-to partner for optimising porous media flow and evaluating the technical and geological integrity of underground storage, our lab services are tailored to the requirements of technical experts and R&D professionals.
WHY CHOOSE fluidXlab?
Thanks to cutting-edge laboratory facilities, we can conduct thorough analyses of reservoir rocks, from basic rock property measurements to compatibility studies. They also allow us to design and prepare subsurface applications that require testing a large number of chemicals or gas mixtures to determine the optimum chemical formula or fluid-gas-rock compatibility for specific reservoirs.
From petrophysical to complex live-fluid experiments, we reduce the risks involved in selecting suitable chemicals or gas mixtures for improved recovery in the early stages of a project, ensuring a timely and effective workflow for subsurface energy companies.
Our expertise also extends to the investigation of H2 and CO2 in porous media, and we specialise in assessing the geological integrity of underground storage projects in the context of the energy transition. In addition, we work closely with authorities to support our clients in obtaining storage operating licenses.

Key benefits of our services for fluid flow in porous media
Full scope of investigations
Full scope of investigations
High customisability
High customisability
Fast and accurate
Fast and accurate
Scope of services
- Core handling, slabbing, plugging, and sample preparation
- Chemical and mineralogical composition analysis of rock samples
- Thin section preparation and CT scanning
- Digital core photography
- Grain density, permeability, and porosity
- μCT imaging
- Qualitative description of lithology, texture, grain size, detrital mineralogy, authigenic components, porosity types, reservoir quality, formation damage
- Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
- Contact angle
- Streaming and zeta potential
- Batch experiments / single-phase flooding
- Geochemical reactions
- Gas adsorption on rock surface
- H2 and CO2 compatible
- Fluid flow through porous media
- Chemical IOR (polymer, alkaline, surfactant)
- Foam injection
- Gas injection
- Thermal EOR
- Microbial
- Caprock integrity / threshold pressure measurement
- HPHT contact angle & IFT
- HPHT adsorption measurement
- HPHT batch reactor
- Geochemical reactions including fluid sampling, analytics and geochemical modelling
- Geomechanics of rocks
Discover what others say about fluidXlab
We invited HOT fluidXlab to provide laboratory support in our research of potential candidates for underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in Austria. HOT fluidXlab never ceased to impress with their professionalism, persistence and surpassing any our expectations in delivering highly valuable and reliable data.
Dr. Clemens T., Senior Reservoir Engineering Advisor at OMV Energy
Our most recent work was featured in the following publications:
Selecting EOR Polymers through Combined Approaches—A Case for Flooding in a Heterogenous Reservoir
Borovina, A.; Hincapie, R.E.; Clemens, T.; Hoffmann, E.; Wegner, J.
Polymers 2022, 14, 5514.
Alkali/Polymer Flooding of High-TAN Oil: Live Oil and Dead Oil Evaluation
Hincapie, Rafael E., Borovina, Ante, Clemens, Torsten, Hoffmann, Eugen, and Jonas Wegner. SPE Res Eval & Eng 25 (2022): 380–396.
Paper published in the SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Journal in August 2022 (Volume 25, Issue 3)
Real structure micromodels based on reservoir rocks for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) applications
Calvin Lumban Gaol, Jonas Wegner and Leonhard Ganzer
Paper published in the Lab on a Chip Journal in December 2020.
Labwork Matters
Unlock the full potential of
porous media with our rock-solid lab services!
fluidXlab’s customisable services are perfect for technical experts and researchers who want to enhance fluid flow in porous media and evaluate underground storage. They allow you to assess geological integrity with ease and streamline your energy projects. Contact fluidXlab today and start optimising your operations!