Advanced Carbon Management Solutions


The transition towards renewable energy sources is leading to significant changes in revenue streams and business models. Traditional fluid testing technologies, initially designed for the oil and gas sector, often fail to meet the stringent requirements of Cleantech applications like Carbon Management. With the Cleantech market for Net Zero rapidly expanding, operators increasingly need quick and accurate data to minimise project risks and make informed investment decisions.

The unique thermodynamic properties of CO2 and phase behaviour compared to natural gas present new challenges during operational events such as start-up, shutdown, depressurisation, fluctuating CO2 supply, and potential leaks. Moreover, impurities will be present in CO2 at various stages, from capture to storage. fluidXlab revolutionises the characterisation of CO2 with new technology that requires less fluid volumes than traditional methods, reducing time-to-field deployment and project risk.

Co2 Geological Storage

Solutions for Integrity and Performance Assessment

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) stands as a critical technology in the fight against global warming. However, ensuring the safe and effective implementation of CCS demands meticulous planning and testing. A thorough evaluation of all pertinent factors is crucial for successful deployment.

Services Ensuring Safe CO2 Geological Storage

This is where fluidXlab steps in. We offer a comprehensive suite of testing services, including caprock integrity, SCAL (Special Core Analysis Laboratories), rock and fluid interaction assessments, phase behaviour studies, and flow assurance analyses, fluid characterisation and petrophysical properties measurements. Our solutions minimise project risks and maximise the success of your CCS project.

  • Solid Precipitation
  • Hydrate Formation
  • Chemical Screening
  • Contact Angle
  • Gas Adsorption Test
  • Specific Surface Area (BET)
  • Batch Reactor
  • Dynamic Viscosity
  • Density
  • Decomposition Test
  • Recombination/Synthesis
  • Relative Permeability
  • Capillary Pressure
  • Core Analysis
  • Injectivity Test
  • Core Flooding
  • Reservoir Rock Mineralogy, Porosity, Permeability
  • Cap Rock Mineralogy
  • Constant Composition Expansion (CCE)
  • Constant Volume Depletion (CVD)
  • Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE)
  • Diffusion (Gas-Gas, Gas-Liquid)
  • Solubility (CO2 in Brine, Water in CO2)
  • Interfacial Tension (IFT)
  • Dispersion Test
  • Threshold Pressure
Fluid-Fluid and Fluid-Rock Interaction Test / Advanced Carbon Management Solutions by fluidXlab: Offering lab services and consulting for Geological CO2 Storage, CO2 Hydrocarbon Recovery, CO2 Capture and Transport
Fluid-Fluid / Fluid-Rock Interaction Test
Gas Diffusion Study / Advanced Carbon Management Solutions by fluidXlab: Offering lab services and consulting for Geological CO2 Storage, CO2 Hydrocarbon Recovery, CO2 Capture and Transport
Gas Diffusion Study

Co2 Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery

Unlocking Trapped Hydrocarbons while Injecting CO2

fluidXlab is at the forefront of pioneering research, conducting a diverse range of laboratory tests like phase behaviour, flow assurance, rock-fluid characterisation, petrophysical properties, fluid properties and SCAL aimed at utilising captured CO2 for enhanced hydrocarbon recovery. Our cutting-edge experiments involve fluid and gas mixtures, including CO2, and hydrocarbons, all while adhering to the highest health, safety, and environmental standards. These critical services contribute to maximising the benefits of the recovery process while minimising any potential risks.

De-Risk CO2-Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery Projects

  • Asphaltene Onset Pressure / Temperature
  • Wax Appearance Temperature
  • Salt Precipitation
  • Chemical Screening
  • Contact Angle
  • Gas Adsorption
  • Specific Surface Area (BET)
  • Batch Reactor
  • Composition
  • Density
  • Dynamic Viscosity
  • Recombination/Synthesis
  • Relative Permeability
  • Capillary Pressure
  • Core Analysis
  • Injectivity Test
  • Core Flooding
  • Reservoir Rock Mineralogy
  • Cap Rock Mineralogy
  • Constant Composition Expansion (CCE)
  • Constant Volume Depletion (CVD)
  • Differential Liberation Expansion (DLE)
  • Swelling and Separator
  • Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP) – Slim Tube*/ Rising Tube
  • Multiple Contact
  • Diffusion (Gas-Gas, Gas-Liquid)
  • Solubility (CO2 in Brine, Water in CO2)
  • Interfacial Tension (IFT)
  • Dispersion Test
Visualisation of Asphaltene Onset Pressure (AOP) Determination / Advanced Carbon Management Solutions by fluidXlab: Offering lab services and consulting for Geological CO2 Storage, CO2 Hydrocarbon Recovery, CO2 Capture and Transport
Asphaltene Onset Pressure (AOP) Determination
Saturation Pressure Determination / Advanced Carbon Management Solutions by fluidXlab: Offering lab services and consulting for Geological CO2 Storage, CO2 Hydrocarbon Recovery, CO2 Capture and Transport
Saturation Pressure Determination
CO2 - HC Gas Condensate Phase Behaviour (CCE Test) / Advanced Carbon Management Solutions by fluidXlab: Offering lab services and consulting for Geological CO2 Storage, CO2 Hydrocarbon Recovery, CO2 Capture and Transport
CO2 - HC Gas Condensate Phase Behaviour
(CCE Test)

Co2 Capture & Transport

Enable Efficient and Safe Operations

In carbon management, capturing CO2 before its emission and transporting it via pipelines are crucial for optimising this complex process, necessitating thorough studies and analysis. Phase behaviour studies support pipeline design and predict potential issues like hydrate formation, ensuring safe and efficient transport. Corrosion studies guide material selection to prevent leaks and ensure pipeline integrity, safeguarding the environment. Flow assurance analysis guarantees smooth, reliable CO2 flow by mitigating challenges like pressure drops and wax deposition and fluid properties analysis, which is crucial at every stage of CO2 transport.

Supporting Your CO2 Transport and Capture Technologies

Select the optimum liquid or solid adsorbent.

  • Magnetic Suspension Balance (MSB)
  • PVT Cell
  • Wetted Wall Column and Continuous Flow System
We ensure smooth, efficient CO2 flow by analysing potential flow challenges and designing solutions.

  • Solid Precipitation
  • Hydrates Formation Analysis
  • Dynamic Viscosity
  • Density
  • Composition
  • Recombination/Synthesis
We help you design reliable pipelines by accurately predicting CO2 behaviour under various conditions.

  • Vapour-Liquid (VL) and Vapour-Liquid-Liquid (VLL) Phase Behaviour with Impurities
  • Solubility (CO2 in Liquid / Liquid in CO2)
We identify the most suitable materials for your pipeline, preventing leaks and environmental damage.

  • Pipe Material Studies
Dew Point Measurement / Advanced Carbon Management Solutions by fluidXlab: Offering lab services and consulting for Geological CO2 Storage, CO2 Hydrocarbon Recovery, CO2 Capture and Transport
Dew Point Measurement

Partnering with fluidXlab enables you to confidently address the complexities of CO2 transportation, paving the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Advanced Carbon Management Solutions

fluidXlab: Advanced Carbon Management Solutions


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